Friday, December 30, 2005


You are who You were.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


you will suffer no more

Monday, December 26, 2005


Friday, December 23, 2005


Wednesday, December 21, 2005






Monday, December 19, 2005




Sunday, December 18, 2005



Sunday, December 11, 2005






Friday, December 09, 2005






Thursday, December 08, 2005


媽媽您睇下,您個仔港大畢業呀 ~




Wednesday, December 07, 2005



Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Monday, December 05, 2005



Sunday, December 04, 2005

我的膊頭 讓妳依靠

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Element of Sustainable Love

Another-Me in the World & I basically agree that Elements involve:

-Agreement for Future
-Concern & Understanding
-Knownledge about Yourself

It is a game involving two players, both of whom have to contribute reasonable amounts of effort to work for the relation. But while it may get harder when more & more have to be done, don't think it is discouraging or you are not going to make it. Try to enjoy doing things for who always deserve & may appreciate it.

I am afraid of challenge after all, but I believe that we are going to make it.

Friday, December 02, 2005



私下看對方的email、夜晚OT到11點亦不准對方和異性同事坐的士回家而要坐巴士、要對方用公司電話來聯絡來證明還在公司、查看對方電話記錄 ......

誰理會你怎樣關心緊張對方?做出以上行為,只可以反映到的是 --- 不相信對方


Tuesday, November 29, 2005






Sunday, November 27, 2005



都是沾濕了枕頭的關係 ...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

for will 綿綿.mp3

for Will ...



Friday, November 25, 2005



Thursday, November 24, 2005


請見諒 ......


談起小時家有隻漁船,不時出海 ...


Sunday, November 20, 2005






妹妹在她的xanga說 :
第四個階段:共生。這時新的相處之道已經成形,你(妳)的他(她)已經成為你(妳)最親的人。 你們在一起相互扶持、一起開創屬於你們自己的人生。你們在一起不會互相牽制,而會互相成長。

很想與妳共生 ......

Saturday, November 19, 2005



Friday, November 18, 2005



Wednesday, November 16, 2005




Monday, November 14, 2005





馬上把電腦shut down









Saturday, November 12, 2005



最怕失去的還是妳 ......

Friday, November 11, 2005



Wednesday, November 09, 2005




直至 ......

Tuesday, November 08, 2005



Sunday, November 06, 2005

glamour girl

震動人心的旋律,原來是出自 hyde 手 ......

so glamorous~

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


邊有媽媽幫個仔買d咁o既野架 ?!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005



Thursday, October 27, 2005







Sunday, October 23, 2005


the very motto for glambers' mates ......

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Friday, October 21, 2005


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Saturday, October 15, 2005


今集是《二人世界 之 煮飯仔篇》

將來,我倆會有自己的地方、自己的傢俱、自己的 ...... 一切一切。


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Terms & Conditions

i have always been awaiting.

but i won't push.

i just wait,

and keep equipping myself.

i think i am ready for it from today,

and when you are as well,

please don't hesitate to let me know.

cus it means a lot to me, and to us

Tuesday, October 11, 2005






「確定~ 你就是我的唯一」

Saturday, October 08, 2005

being occupied

by ......

1. RoHS

2. XRF


4. PAH

Monday, October 03, 2005



原來 ...... 自己一生出來,






Sunday, October 02, 2005


屈機是格鬥game的專有名詞,指一方不斷重複以自己最強的一些攻擊去克制對手,以至對手全無反擊之力 (quoted from 朋友 R)






Friday, September 30, 2005


Wednesday, September 28, 2005





Tuesday, September 27, 2005



不用搭的士回家 ......

Thursday, September 22, 2005




Wednesday, September 21, 2005






老豆真的變老喇 ...... 沒有以往那樣跳皮,人都靜了下來。





今年有三封 ~


Monday, September 19, 2005









請見諒 ......


Saturday, September 17, 2005

DAY 100


Wednesday, September 14, 2005


office 是我家,OT齊齊加

Friday, September 09, 2005

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Programme Support Coordinator

今日第一日番工,一開始發現原來並非同 nancy 同層,或多或少點都會有D可惜,不過一見到D同事就安心番晒。

一開波就有個 ok cutie o既女同事帶我見其它人,其中有個女仔超級無敵地似盧巧音,又係叫 candy,一個少女版既 candy!原來公司之所以請我就係因為佢下星期要走,好可惜呢! >_< 然後發現有位同事原來都只係禽日先番工,都係 freshgrad,我同佢都幾岩傾,有講有笑,總算有個人同我o係公司雙依為命。

今日主要係由一個亦都就黎要走既同事指導我地兩個新丁去用暴力打爆d 電器,分解佢地,list出有d咩components,然後 report 番比client聽,睇下佢地做唔做 testing。


不過,令我最恐懼既,就係 OT 時間,一黎冇補水, 二黎唔知去到幾點 ...... 我既私人時間呀 !!!

難怪人事部要 keep 住 in 人啦~~~

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Get Offer

finally i get offer from a company where connie and nancy are engaged on. after this period of job hunting, i found it is much harder to find a job on my own than i expected beforehand. after all i got it not by myself but counting on nancy - who has been around me since junior form in the college, to the university, and to the working place at last.

thanks anyway.

yes, eventually i could escape from the pool of unemployment. i hope i will enjoy me job, at least not hate it...

Sunday, September 04, 2005



Saturday, September 03, 2005






Friday, September 02, 2005



Wednesday, August 31, 2005


i reiterate that there is nothing countable between the two of us, especially those things which i don't care but are spent on something or for someone i really care.

this is not quite understandable in meaning again,

but got it anyway, please.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


"care" 是關心關注的意思


I care about Chuchu much more that the failure in today's interview.

ChuChu has always been taken cared of. She is fortunate regardless.

We care.

Monday, August 29, 2005



1. 食完早餐先刷牙洗面,間唔中食完仲唔記得添。

2. 一個人在深夜床上很容易會流眼水。

3. 傷風時鐘意由得d鼻涕一直流到落咀唇邊先抹,又會用手指尾捲起d鼻涕。

4. 超級無敵鐘意照鏡,even行街時會用停迫o係身邊o既車既玻璃倒影當鏡咁照。

5. 鐘意摸同性朋友的大比。







Thursday, August 25, 2005


《第一回合》Project Assistant




diu la sing sing sing sing sing sing ~~~~


《第二回合》Administrative Teaching Assistant

(-_-.... 有我唔坐o係度啦...)

(-__- ..... 中文默書交換改算唔算?)
「um... 我諗冇乜o勒。」

(-_____- ........ 咩人會有d咁o既習慣呀頂?家陣係咪玩野呀四眼仔!)

Monday, August 22, 2005





我這種無賴,活廿二寒暑仍是愛依賴 ......


Wednesday, August 17, 2005




很害怕呢 ......

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sofa Coke Burn

the sofa, the sofa, the sofa is on fire

we don't need those coke light

let the motherfucker burn

burn motherfucker


Saturday, August 13, 2005



希望不會傳染給身邊的人吧 ....


Friday, August 12, 2005





Hunter Hunter

今日開始搵工,加油加油 fighting !!!

不過身體有點不適添 >_<

果然係萬事起頭難 !

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

from a Book

No One Can Predict
Or Control The Future.

However, The More Clearly You
What You Want To See Happen,

Plan For It,

And Do Something Today
To Help It Happen,

The Less Anxious You Are
In The Present,

And The More The Future
Is Known To You

(cited from "The Present")

actually, that's the way i have been making effort for the relationship between us ......

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

i quit


無所事事地搵工作,總希望 ... 生活靜靜似是湖水,全因為妳,泛起生氣。

Monday, August 08, 2005

亞 will 和平

明天將會是我最後一天在 office 做我的「義工」,是時候為自己爭取權利和向不公義的對待 "say no"。實在是太過份了,身邊的人也有點看不過眼吧!

「呢個世界唔應該係咁o既 .... 做人,唔應該係咁o既 ......」對!



p.s. 言論自由,使「談情」的「談」字,顯得格外有意思。

Sunday, August 07, 2005


it is the day of FOCUS, followed by a smoke screen in between the ocean waves as well as soap bubbles.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I am from BOTH Mars and Venus

yes, actually i was annoyed by my career in the near future very much, which in turn may more or less affect the life of us, about which i am only concerned.

that is OK. and every single word from u help comfort me a great deal...... help me back out of the cave.


i am sad.

i find myself very frustrated.
錢, 並不是搵得多不多的問題, 而是夠不夠的問題;

錢夠不夠, 完全在乎自己用多少

如要依靠物質才能令人生快樂, 的確可悲的很...... 世上總有愛吧

手中拿著LV袋在埋怨不夠錢花, 把飯叫飢, 這些人該死。

Monday, August 01, 2005

Sunday, July 31, 2005




Saturday, July 30, 2005


有得見面o個陣係得閑, 冇得見面o個陣係忙碌;

我有一樣野比人叻, 就係我唔怕煩... 同埋我識得尊重同惜珍

我... 我淨係識呢d架咋......

Wednesday, July 27, 2005



Monday, July 25, 2005


followings are the adjectives somehow describing my current physical and mental conditions:

fatigued, exhausted, tired, weary, running down, wea, distracted ...... & in headache, umcomfortable in nose, with loosing muscle, ...........

yet spiritually satisified and growing


later, we can have a plan.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

that's why i say HK girls are on9

來源︰東Touch (28June05) 肥仔聰 (林子聰)訪問內容︰ 港女唔多掂!   正如肥仔聰所講,第一次做導演當然唔熟唔做,所以他會開拍一部諷刺香港女仔的「得閒飲茶」,整個故事是源自身邊一個好朋友的真人真事。  「她是我一個好好的女性朋友,由拍拖,嗌交,結婚,離婚我都一清二楚,直以來她都抱住一個心態,覺得老公娶到自己是執到,最弊佢又唔係靚到可以用執到來形容呢? 這個問題我多年來都有同佢講,不過佢點都唔聽,去到前年佢老公終於頂唔順要求離婚,當時她才醒覺自己錯了,非常後悔,但一切太遲了。 其實這不是一個女人的問題,而是屬於香港所有女人。早前「Playboy」雜誌有個調查,從8萬名亞洲男士眼中選出各地女性的排名,結果香港女性並不優秀,樣貌,身材,性格,溫柔,情趣等各方面的評分都很低,徘徊在下游位置,其中樣貌排尾二,僅僅勝過菲律賓,身材亦只嬴南亞國家。身邊男人講你唔信,今次由8萬幾個男人一齊講,你點都要信些少? 香港女性根本沒有你們所想那麼高質素! 你或者會反駁日本,韓國女仔靚咩? 整容之嘛。係呀,人地肯整喎,你有冇呢份自知之明呢?」

Monday, July 18, 2005

the Responsibility i can't take

A couple of days before, i went to the VCD shop in the shopping mall nearby, to rent a made-in-hk vcd named "2 young", and watched during having dinner with my family. the movie is touching and concerned with the problem of young people having baby, at a time when they are still not able to sustain their own life, let alone the baby's

the last book i have finished reading is "the curious incident of a dog in the night time". The story is a 1st person one, presented by a teenager with mental problem.

and the book i am reading is called "a man named dave", which in the story a children abused for years by her ferious mother grew up anway and had to face and be accustomed with the real outside world and different kind of people, and most important, the author is trying to show a kind of forgiveness.

well, what i've learn most from all the these is probably the significance of responsibity of being a parent, which seems to be too large for me to take, no matter what, how, when or where.

many people see things simple and easy, but eventualy all those they have done are likely to ruin their and their children's life .

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Will MY Speed

I found my net typing speed is 54 words per minute

Saturday, July 16, 2005

fantastic will

脫了智慧幼齒,右邊臉頰即日便開始隆腫起來,就像"fantastic 4"的mutation一樣,我搖身一變成為 gap神大佬mic,wahahahah ~~~~





「要呀!梗係要啦!」on9 女途人答。

結論:而家d女人真係越黎越 on9。

Wednesday, July 13, 2005




Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sunday, July 03, 2005





Saturday, July 02, 2005



Thursday, June 30, 2005


血 ...... 在口裏流。

Monday, June 27, 2005

Will My Old Friend

it has been more than a year since i met you last time.

where are you now?
is everything fine?

we are all missing you very much, my old friend ......

Saturday, June 25, 2005







Wednesday, June 22, 2005

3 days away from the world

we are back. Back to this embarrassing world.

anyway, we had escaped, to a space, which belonged to two of us alone.

no pain, no worry, no trouble ... like the heaven

where we acted like a pair of angels.

Friday, June 17, 2005


i agree with u.

Thursday, June 16, 2005






沒錯,過幾天便是父親節了 ......

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

to sustain

"it doesn't hurt." i said.

"nothing will." you replied.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

along the curve you design

it is a process to learn sth important;

it is an opportunity to explore myself and the other;

it is a gift for exchange;

it is a new style of life;

it is a kind of sustainable development both of us hope;

it is a little world of harmony;

it is in between love and respect;

it is to boost and enhance the communication;

it is what i called "whirlpool affair",

in which merry goes round and round, and never comes to an end.....

Sunday, June 12, 2005


everything seems stabilized and steady.

and there is nothing to worry about.

thank you.

Friday, June 10, 2005






Thursday, June 09, 2005





途經一間教會,貼著海報,上面寫著「男人 = 難忍」,的確如此,男人是難忍的,但「忍」是動詞,而「難」是「忍」的副詞,會有誰不同意?










Wednesday, June 08, 2005





can merry go round like that?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

This is Life







我和小船坐一旁,大家都累了,只在談談情,像是冷眼看在云云眾生在醉生夢死,紙醉金迷。不想迷迷糊糊,只要簡簡單單…… 到底是誰在吞吐誰的雲霧都不要緊了。四周很吵,但內心好寧靜,好舒服 …… 時間可以停留嗎?







This is life. Side by side.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

see u cyn

禽晚我地同cynthia farewell。

話說 ens 班唯一既 exchange student (黎自星加坡) cynthia 今日evening 就要離開香港勒,冇法參與我地聽日既 grad din,所以我地同佢搞黎小班子既 farewell 活動 --- 打邊爐!地點當然係就番 cyn 啦 ---青衣!


成晚大家食下野、吹下水、煲下煙,超級無敵咁開心,呢d就叫「極樂樂」勒!我可以肯定係開心過 grad din 囉,所以唔會話 cyn miss 左d 乜野。好有心思既大佬重叫大家 prepare 張紀念紙之類既野,將我地既心意入晒落個 folder 度送比 cyn,相當有意思。老老實實,在場人士一隻二隻都係義氣仔女黎架嘛,有 ensian 要走咁大件事,花幾多心機都值得。



呢句咁既野聽過一百萬次,之前一直覺得好 on9。

Sunday, May 29, 2005

winning friends


今朝八點半去嘉道理農場植樹。我遲左九個字起身,都冇遲到,超勁!其實呢個植樹活動係一個童軍活動,我o既duty係指示並協助d 童軍植樹苗。話明係童軍,自然係幼齒,大約form3-4。原來開泥係好辛苦好辛苦架,我開左一個 lone 都已經想死。德仔今日大發雷霆,o係咁媽叉我個group d童軍,好得人驚。今日eva同cathy都有參加,eva仲同我pair up,佢真係幾生修到。但其實德仔真係好搞笑,佢教digging,笑到我肚痛,講廣東話又唔正,超抵死。


每轉之間,我都埋頭苦幹咁睇 "how to win friends",好開心,終於睇完了,所學所得都頗多:

首之,我了解到點解我會有咁多優資o既好朋友,原來因為我 "interested in other people" 同 "make others feel important"。而好多書中有提到o既野原來對我黎講經已係習慣,但由文字之中 interpret 出黎,令我諗o既野更加concrete,更加有推動力去花心機時間去投資o係友誼之上。

thank some of you again~

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Do Read

這兩天都埋頭閱讀 ......

不知為何,日子越是空閑,書就看得越慢。"how to win friends" 好像看極也看不完似的。


Tuesday, May 24, 2005





補完又再出旺角睇過,係睇《天國嬌雄》,男主角依舊型靚仔,女主角就麻麻地,d短兵相接o既場面都唔錯,大玩投石機,但男主角守場part 好正,又淋油又拉跌投石器,好緊張。

- 星戰III = 7
- 不死狗 = 9
- 天國嬌雄 = 8.5

十字軍借神o既名義侵略人地,唉,真係唔要得...... anyway,都係佛教最和諧。




Monday, May 23, 2005

Will My Study

Followings have been all the studies/serveys done in my University life:

1. [for male] 如果要切 jer 或切一隻腳,你揀邊樣?
切 jer = 67%
切腳 = 33%

2. [for female] 妳認為男人會覺得 jer 緊要d定係一隻腳緊要d?
jer = 81%
腳 = 19%

3. [both male & female] 你/妳將來會唔會生仔?
會/應該會 = 60%
唔會 = 40%

4. [Private FYP]

How Women Vibrate 《看她怎搖動》

Female homo sapien, better known as “women”, have long been the most dominant species in the world, surpassing the status of males called “men” to some extent. Women, basically, tend to make more effort on academic fields, resulting in the higher proportion of female undergraduates in universities. The main reason, however, of their domination stems from some mysteries existing among them, most of which women themselves have no idea with or they usually refuse to acknowledge when blamed. These mysteries very much characterize such a profound organism, whilst even quite a lot of men, who is facing tens or hundreds of women every single day, may have never thought about. This paper is to explore women by means of interpreting certain interesting behaviors of women regarding a variety of physical vibrations, the reasons beyond as well as the corresponding factors involved.

Material and Methodology
Study was carried out in January and February in the year of 2005 by means of surveys done via questionnaires. All samples were women, regardless of their sexual orientation. Five questions were prepared prior to the survey, as follow:

1. Have you ever walked or run at home with a naked body?
2. Do you shiver when you piss?
3. Have you ever seen your own asshole (i.e. anus)?
4. How long do you shit?
A. 1-5 mins
B. 6-10 mins
C. 11-15 mins
D. >15 mins
5. Do you wear bra when you sleep?

Questions were asked directly by me in ICQ or MSN messenger rather than face-to-face as women are too shy (or often pretend to be shy) to answer the above so-called “sensitive” and “disgusting” questions. The level of sensitivity of the question increase from Q1 to Q5, and therefore questions were asked in the order set above in order to maximize the data to be collected. It is worth noting that once a question was rejected to be answered, the remaining questions would not be asked and the survey for that particular woman would come to an end.

In total 22 females, ranging from 17 to 23 years old, were questioned.
Results of the 5 questions are shown as follows:

Q1. Have you ever walked or run at home with a naked body?
Yes = 14%
No = 86%

Q2. Do you shiver when you piss?
Yes = 19%
No = 81%

Q3. Have you ever seen your asshole?
Yes = 21%
No = 79%

Q4. How long do you shit?
1-5 min = 36%
6-10 min = 43%
11-15 min =14%
>15 min = 7%

Q.4 Do you wear bra when you sleep?
Yes = 42%
No = 58%

“Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.” Men and women fail to fully understand each other simply due to differences in the sense of value. To men, most women are merely concerned about the minor, inferior matters, and have a great inclination to lavish hard-earned cash on something which men think is not worthwhile at all. Scientifically, we call this psychologically severe phenomenon an “On-9” syndrome, resulting in a corrupt and extravagant life of women in the first place, which will in turn exert a potential hazard to the innocent men who are believed to be deserved at last. Before we explore the severity of the adverse impacts adding on men due to women’s “on-9” syndrome, men ought to know more about their counterparts as much as possible. This paper, entitled “How Women Vibrate”, is committed to help ignorant men escape from the hell of bitches.
The first question is “have you even walked or run at home with a naked body?”. Graph 1 shows that less than 15% of the interviewees have done so before. The figure is a bit lower than expected but still reasonable, since I can’t figure out why they have to do so. A Naked body refers to a body without wearing any clothes or covered by any cloth, not even a sock. Their pair of breasts and ass, not being supported by bras or underwear, tends to vibrate up and down. In fact, it is not always true, in particular in some extreme cases. Breasts in sizes of Cup A and B apparently won’t have any observable vibration in any direction even in a huge earthquake. That sucks.
The second question is “do you shiver when you piss?”. I included this question because many men do but even my ex-biology teacher doesn’t know if women do and he dares not to figure it out. Shivering is a rapid form of body vibration. The phenomenon of shivering during pissing can be explained in the field of physic and biology. Pissing means urination, by which urine in urinary bladder could be excreted from the body. The major component of urine is water, a compound having a very high heat capacity which implies that it can absorb much heat with just a small increase in temperature. When a person pisses, a large amount of heat is lost from body over a very short period of time, and therefore, the body, by means of reflection, will shiver to heat up again the body to some extend. Generally speaking, shivery begins from the private parts up to the chest. Graph 2 shows that more than 80% of interviewees don’t shiver when they piss. It is concluded that women generally won’t shiver. Most of men shiver after pissing probably because their subcutaneous fat under skin is much thinner than that of women, and hence men are more easily exposed to cool than women. Nevertheless, some women, constituted around 20% of the interviewees, perform shivering, but the reason why they shiver is obviously not because of their thinness, yet probably due to hidden diseases or the abnormally high speed of urine ejecting.
The third question is “have you ever seen your own asshole”. Asshole means anus, the hole where you feces are expelled from the body. This question is aimed to testifying the ignorance and curiosity of women. Surprising, only around 20% of interviewees alleged that they have seen their asshole, as shown in Graph 3. To my mind, most of those who said “haven’t” in fact have seen their asshole but denied simply because of shame. The claim of some interviewees that it is difficult to look at own asshole just because they don’t know yoga is unfound. Instruments could facilitate the process of observation. The most commonly used one is mirror, which is relatively inexpensive and fairly accessible everywhere; we can also make use of some high-tech tools including DC, DV, webcam, or mobile phone. Kan (2005) also proposed that you can ask someone to sketch a graph for you. When looking at the asshole, people enjoy dilating and constricting the size of the hole, allowing a deep insight into the matter. Result illustrated from raw data (which is not shown in this paper) suggests that aggressive women are more likely to have seen their asshole.
The fourth question is “how long do you shit?”. This question determines how much time women waste on ejection. The category of 6-15 mins accounts for the highest percentage. But no other important conclusions can be drawn.
The fifth question is “do you wear bra when you sleep?”. The result is so surprising that about 60% of the interviewees do not wear bra when they sleep. The one of the reasons of taking off the bra is that the bra makes them feel uncomfortable and stressed when sleeping. Raw data suggest that women with big breasts are less likely to take off their bra when they go sleeping, probably due to the fear of breast deformation and collapse.
During the survey, some of the women hesitated before answering questions. Encouragement was needed to urge them to answer the questions. Some terribly “on-9” women just answered one or even refused to answer any question.
Here, I would like to propose two private brand new theories, namely, Men Should Be Gay Theory (MSBGT) and TB Loving Theory (TBLT).
Women are apparently a subspecies of homo sapien, who are characterized by “on-9” and unreliability. Men like women almost completely due to instinct and sex, instead of spiritual appreciation. Therefore, if men are not born to be a lechery (which means “salty”), all men will turn out to be gays. Plus, Tom Boy (TB) should be the most preferably lovers of men because TB is physiologically a woman but psychologically a man, which very much fulfill the favorable requirements the most.
Men should stand for women no more. Revolution is imperative! Let’s stand up and make some noises!

I hereby thank all the ladies taking part in my survey, including my current classmates, ex-classmates, ex-schoolmates and friends. I, moreover, thank Prof. Bill Kan (Hon. Director, The Department of Pornography, The University of Fukien, Fukien, China) and Mr. Tim Au (who is an asshole) for providing comments and feedbacks.

Sing 戰

今天是試後首過娛樂活動 ----- Sing 戰

十一點我地就o係旺角gether,唱k !!! 出值人有bill, 界王神, juno, milla, 大佬, lucky, lucky 條女 (唔記得左 lo乜野) 同埋好音敬o既小船,一共九條友 !!! 超開心 !!!

由於好 high o既原故,我係咁唱,唱到「力竭聲西」,把聲開到盡,首次 reach 到「力竭聲西」,haha ~~~ 不過,好快把聲就 collapse 左,食晒屎咁。

lucky條女原來唱歌都係好好聲,但當然係被小船比下去呢 ~~


我地之前買左tickets 去睇星戰III,但小船話冇興趣, bill話補習, lucky溫女, turn out 得5個人睇,但都高興。

星戰都係咁上下啦,d茂利拎住d 光管打黎打去,但最pk o既係 queen amedana出得幾個short 囉頂,我入場係睇佢o既姐,佢又唔化女皇妝,好失望 ~~~

Sunday, May 22, 2005


人的心都在隨時隨地的改變,但在我身上發生的事太多太具衝突性,我開始進行 mutation ......

- 只要靚女就行了 ---> 最緊要溝通得到
- 女孩子一般都細心 ---> 不,女孩子一般都 on9
- 我的直覺很準 ---> 絕不可靠
- 和自己年紀差不多的女孩子 ---> 幼齒優先
- 斯文得體 ---> 活潑好動 ---> 是 tom boy 就好了
- 討厭基佬 ---> 基佬亦可以好好

大件事了 ....




而我像女孩子。真的嗎?女孩子這麼 on9,我像她們嗎?是 mutation 的後果嗎?


am i there yet?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005



當晚冇同屋企人興祝,因為o係ENS班最後一次o既勁過飯,咁大獲野,屋企人都懶理 (我真係孝子)。當日5點半我成班都番campus上靚仔cornish o既oral堂。落堂時小船好識做,叫大家唱生日歌我聽,第一個好開心。上完堂大約六點幾,我地一干人等 (成廿幾人) 就搭巴士落去鐘鑼灣食巴西燒烤。巴士上層充斥住廿個熱血ensian,我地o係咁吹水同影相,嘈到司機唯有利用巴士上o既廣播器叫我地唔好咁嘈,超搞笑。車程半粒鐘倒,我地o係咁吹水同影相,個個都好high咁,真係好耐未感受過呢個情景。

當時個天o係落緊狗屎,落車之後原來仲要得好叉遠先到,我同我好音敬o既小船共用一把雨遮,o係雨下漫步,不知幾浪漫,我同佢o個度都濕左 …… I mean膊頭。十分鐘之後我地終於到左巴西。

O個度好好情調囉,我地由於好疊馬,要兩張枱,我同阿彪、小船、老豬同蘭西等人同桌,第二個好開心。巴西燒烤出名有一對茂利唱歌,我地叫左佢唱happy birthday to阿will,第三個好開心。我o既reply係「多謝大家黎我生日party」,係呀,我當正係我個party咁過架喇。


之後唔知邊個話 birthday kiss (in terms of 臉) -_-…… 咁冇得走雞o既自然就係彪少啦。o係群眾壓力下佢條粉腸炸加依咁黎左野,好似有人不滿咁喎,我由於好high,我叫佢:「潮!黎真啦頂你!」而佢真係黎真,哈哈哈,第六個好開心。之後玩陰點,我不嬲都話阿彪係好兄弟,點左ens班首席索女 You-Know-Who (人地女仔,我係唔會趙完唱o既,嘩哈哈哈),係第七個好開心。之後you-know-who又好好朋友咁點左弱智恆黎送我一個bd kiss,佢發左癲咁,其實我係好歡迎o既,不過就比佢d鬚吉到我好痛,不過係發八個好開心


之後大家繼續影相同玩,yeah !!!! 埋單之後我地o係門口係咁影相,冇錯,最緊要影多d相!離開途中我又比人con,頂佢地,真係好乸痛囉!

番到企梳洗完之後就要開始做 great eco,雖然只係千五字,但係呢份野係我有史以後用左最長時間寫既短文,仆街,哂晒我d時間,我做到五點天光之有得訓呀頂。第二朝成點幾先起身,繼續搞埋d手尾然後番campus交。

五點我地 media 一組人開始 gather,要 ko 埋我地大學生涯裡最後一 assignment。我地幾條友 (bill, hing, kareen) heir下heir下到八九點先開始做野,超級廢柴同盟囉我地。我地o係 cc 通頂係咁做,想死。最後第二朝十二點幾present,我地都係present前十分鐘先搞點個 power point,次次都係咁,但咁先好玩,夠刺激,不過再冇機會lu。


YEAH!!!!!!! Entertainment Never Stop ~~~~~

Sunday, May 08, 2005

21 + 1

平淡的母親節剛剛過了,今天是我的 22 歲生日。要不是 ICQ 有朋友向我祝賀,也許連我自己也忘記了。先行多謝我的朋友們。





Saturday, May 07, 2005

ICQ 論神

有個人 (12:03 AM) : 如果呢個世界原本咩都無, 咁點解無啦啦會有物質既出現﹖

Will Myself (12:04 AM) : 因為呢個世界除左神就乜都冇囉本來, 而神又好乸勁喎, 佢就整左好多野出黎囉

有個人 (12:07 AM) : 咁邊個創造神出黎﹖佢自己創造自己出黎﹖﹖咁佢原本佢係唔存在架喎, 咁佢點創造自己出黎﹖

Will Myself (12:09 AM) : 你問呢個問題因為你冇or 唔accept 「本有」呢個概念姐

Will Myself (12:10 AM) : 好多 religion 都有 本有 呢個concept, buddhism included

有個人 (12:12 AM) : 因為解釋唔到 je咁你話原本有d野, 咁呢d野又係點走出黎先﹖你話一隻水杯原本有水, 咁都係要有人倒落去啦

Will Myself (12:15 AM) : 你都on9 o既, 解釋到o既話就唔係宗教係科學啦你好明顯唔適合信教同讀哲學

有個人 (12:19 AM) : 點解解釋到既就唔係宗教﹖﹖原來宗教就係俾人將d解釋唔到既野掟晒落去﹖﹖你解釋唔到 je,唔表示不能解釋喎

Will Myself (12:24 AM) : 唔係解釋唔到, 係唔應該用科學o既角度去批判不嬲都好多人解釋緊自己個宗教但係你呢d人, 唔去接受人地d 解釋, 係都要懶科學, 用呢個physical 既空間o既rule 去jude 人地d theory,

Will Myself (12:26 AM) : 9 成西科學家都係基督徒, 人地唔通又不停用自己學o既野去arrange christism?

有個人 (12:27 AM) : 咁你試下俾d証據說服我, 証明有唔physical既空間囉

Will Myself (12:28 AM) : 你所謂o既証據咪又係指科學事實囉晒氣啦

Will Myself (12:31 AM) : 同埋你又知而家既科學的確advanced 到可以指明一切而家科學解釋唔到o既野唔科學?好可能係而家o既科學本身唔夠科學, 冇能力去 proof 姐

有個人 (12:37 AM) : 咁你有無諗過有d野暫時無人解釋到, 而你就用"神話咁就咁啦"去"解釋左, 唔再去嘗試解釋, 但唔排除過一段時間有人會解釋到喎....一係你試下用宗教去解釋一個人跳樓點解會向下趺勒, 因為神想佢趺﹖咁呢個"神想佢咁" 係咪晒屈機先....﹖

Will Myself (12:45 AM) : 嗱, 首先我唔係christian , 我唔知你講o既同佢地o既theory 有幾大出入其次係你本身唔信冇問題, 但你憑咩去challenge人地個theory 而你又解釋唔到人地唔係, 只係話人地講o既同你不嬲所學o既唔同你可以唔信, 但你好似未能夠好有力咁challenge 到人地, 不竟只係你同你地o既諗法唔同, 所謂o既物質世界, 好似係唔實在, 只係一般人via 5 sense interpret 到出黎o既野, 有d人可能好勁, sense 到另一個世界o既全在, 跟住四圍同人講, 而你聽到佢講咩, 但你sense 唔到, 跟住就用你僅sense 到o個世界去 arruge 人地d 野 , 你會唔會覺得有d 唔appropriate 呢d 個行為?

有個人 (12:51 AM) : 咁我assume你都sense唔到果d第6感第7感....咁你又點解選擇去相信果d話佢自己有第6感第7感既人真係有呢﹖

Will Myself (12:54 AM) : 哲學同科學各自為政, 好獨立我覺得人地其實都可以用哲學黎challenge 科學例如我從佛學知道有d人可以有天眼通, 睇到前世d野, 而我又「信 」(呢個係main point, which u seems not understand), 但science 話唔得, 咁我就可以challenge science道理一樣之麻

Will Myself (12:56 AM) : 我信, 因為我「感受」到佛的存在

有個人 (12:58 AM) : 個問題就係點解你聽左"有d人可以有天眼通, 睇到前世d野"而去選擇信instead of 唔信, 有d人聽左又唔信呢﹖點解你感受到佛的存在, 而果d人又感受唔到﹖

Will Myself (12:59 AM) : 因為愚痴

有個人 (1:01 AM) : 咁點解果d人係愚痴而你又唔係﹖神用咩準則去決定邊個人係邊個人唔係﹖

Will Myself (1:07 AM) : 嗱, science 都有個好出名o既term 叫 random motion
而神係點搞o既我就唔知佛教呢, 自主o既概念都幾強, 你愚痴o係因為自己, 因為自己對好多野都放唔低, 過去世唔修智慧 o既結果, 唔係有個神去determine 佢係天才定白痴你係好係壞都係你自己揀而我都唔認為基督教d 人會話 「殺人係神叫o既」咁

Will Myself (1:09 AM) : 我講左咁多野, 有冇減少到你對「神」或宗教哲學o既否定同反感

有個人 (1:12 AM) : 咁你有咩辦法証明俾果d唔信有前世既人真係有前世﹖無証據既, 叫人base on咩去相信你....﹖唔通話"我話係就係啦"咁咩....

Will Myself (1:14 AM) : 我冇叫過人去信我個宗教instead 我會同人介紹我所教到o既同感受到o既如果你唔信, 只係我冇緣去令你信姐

Will Myself (1:16 AM) : 你而家又好似講番轉會咁可能我真係未有能力說服你, 亦冇打算說服你, 只係想同你份享下, 亦唔想因此provoke 你, 算啦

有個人 (1:20 AM) : 我只係想純粹討論下 je我讀左五年基督教學校, 佢話你信佢就得永生, 唔信佢就要落地獄咁係咪好似黑社會迫人去選擇同唔同佢地合作﹖合作就有錢分, 唔合作就打9你Will

Myself (1:21 AM) : hahahaha ~~~你呢個比喻好搞笑, 但我鐘意

Friday, May 06, 2005



第一章 --- 老死篇


第二章 --- 傻佬篇


第三章 --- 意外篇

我聽到了,清清楚楚的 ...... 其實,早就知道了。

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

update will please

我寫的文字,好像一日比一日膚淺 ......


極度迷失 ...... 如何是好?

並不是我太隱藏,而是什麼都變了,變得太突然,朋友們都趕不上 update 我的人格。

告訴你們,我已是個 mutant,你們還不知道嗎?




岩岩聽完小船o既 demo完全版,暈左 (好聽到暈),醒番,繼續聽,一直聽。

首demo除左作得好、編得好同唱得好之外(我係好硬銷的),我發覺自己真係好鐘意 d 歌詞。

沒意思 若情人像幼兒
又來重複十次 無聊傻氣笑話只算閑事
突然明白當愛退熱時 越去扮作投入越覺羞恥


話你知 弱能兒是 Henry
智力重考十次 細路話佢白痴都算閑事
最斃每次當佢肚餓時 但佢越去食野越覺急屎

Saturday, April 30, 2005


禽日係我第三次幫 kenix 姐姐錄 demo,係第三次呀!

話說禽日比界王神阿興昆左我番十點半學,點知原來係九點半,蝦條!(上次係比 gap人王大佬昆o既!) 所以都唔知番黎做乜,3-dom 勁過飯又話 canceled,三點o個堂 great economist 又上唔到,所以要留o係campus 度 hea 足幾粒鐘,磋跎我寶貴o既青春。

hea 都咁上下就去 kenix 度。頂,我又搭錯地鐵囉,搭左荃灣線去左尖咀!不過都準時到達 (please be noted that 「準時 + 15 mins = 準時」)。

嘿嘿,果然不出我所料,詞係未齊o既,不過係作詞認真o既表現姐。根據我地o既大作曲家指出,呢首歌要唱得好 soft,所以我都冇開聲o既必要。

之後我地開始錄 confirm 左詞o既部份先。係我一黎料就知唱唔到啦!假音不嬲都係我的最廢,真假音 d 轉接我完全 handle 唔黎,食晒屎咁。結果又係要降 key ......


練到自以為ok可以開始,點知原來我係冇個音岩架囉!幾 frustrated 呀當時。為左輔導我,隱蔽青年o既方法層出不窮,又plot graph又剩,但都好似無濟於事。

最後受著語癌同走音o既雙管煎熬底下,總算完成 demo,是為《心領》。

臨走前聽左小船同我錄埋同一埋o既 demo,嘩 ~ 蝎魔滋 ~ 叫晒囉我,繞「梁」三日添呀!我對妳音敬越來越長呀~ 船~~ ^3^

原來樓下係有通宵「頭文字 van」番旺角架喎,超方便,我番到旺角都只係兩點幾,我仲o係旺角食左個牛雜面同吹左支可樂先番屋企 (冇食 dinner呢 ~ 我空肚但有型,唱出真深情),超過癮。

其實呢次唱 demo o既錯敗感係最大o既一次,不過我會天天努力

p.s. 我o係隱蔽青年度發現左 d gap 到震o既面包,命名為「ICQ 面包」,傳說食左會 on 唔到 line。

Thursday, April 28, 2005

NVDA and Will My Teeth

今日第一次正式參與 greenpiss o既 NVDA (非暴力直接行動) ,我o既工作係先混入中電古東大會會場,o係我地 banner 人拉出banner 的同時,襯機派發 greenpiss 自製用黎唱衰中電o既 report 比在場o既升斗巿民古東。


大會一開始菲律賓 campaigner 呀 red 就企起身講野,followed by other representatives from various countries. d 古東開始唔好老脾。

最後弱智恆 henry 同 自稱「梁朝米」o既阿米拉出banners,超型 ! 但係 d 在場開始民怨四起,有d仆街仲鬧我地係仆街添,係真冇文化呀d 香港耆英 !!!!


之後同界王神黎 campus check teeth同洗 teeth,個女 dentist 話我有蚊 teeth 同 wisdom teeth,要補同要做手術,respectively。


Monday, April 25, 2005


越黎越憎 cornish,成日要人做埋d on9 野,我地都快 grad,佢仲o係度玩野!


Saturday, April 23, 2005

will my quiet life

一個星期通左兩晚頂,嘿嘿 ..... 真係叻仔。

睇完 "tuesdays with morrie",覺得呢本 international best sellor 都係麻麻地,可能化文差異大呱,硬係覺得幾悶咁,不過 mitch 之後寫o個本 "5 people u meet in the heaven" 諗番都覺得正到爆,係人都應該要睇,由其係 5th person。

而家又開始新一本休閑書,以前都唔知自己係咁喜愛學習。最新學到o既就係 "don"t criticize, condemn or complain."

呢幾日都冇o係屋企唱歌,要休息,o係咁食d 潤喉o既野。只在邊聽邊感受邊開習。

阿船,我真係好「音敬」妳架! (雖然妳話對我冇性幻想令我想喊 ...... )


Monday, April 18, 2005

who fucking cares ?

禽日又上左 kenix 度錄第二首o既 demo,U-Sing 超勁 winner kerin 都有黎,因為佢好似重有一小段未錄好。

由於等歌都等左好耐,我o係o個度 hea 左幾粒鐘先開始錄,不過唔緊要,「工作室」的環境好舒服,又有「波羅油王子」睇! xddddd


由於錄 demo 要一定o既時間,我地又 hea 下 hea 下,又支力,所以要到今朝七點先正式錄好,錄通頂,勁 !!!! 不過就輪到 kerin 錄,要佢成晚得我錄,真係唔好意思,不過最慘都係幫我地錄o既 kenix,辛苦晒!

今次聽左好多其它人o既 demo 同 music trace,唔錯唔錯。

首歌呢,有個位對我黎講好高音,我要大叫先 reach 到,叫左三四十次都唱得唔好,勁灰,自怪天生低音囉。而家個喉嚨雖然唔疼,但 feel 到佢好支力,完全 loss control,雖要時間 recover 呢。

八點幾番到屋企,但係未有得訓,因為今日係交 dissertation o既大日子,由於我一早搞點得九九十十,只差少少野未 finalize,所以先咁得閒去唱 demo。一諗起o係其它同學通頂死沖爛沖份 fyp 同 disserto既同時我就通頂唱歌時,就覺得好笑。

不過我份 ecology of babblers 都唔慌高分,但係 ....... who fucking cares ?

Friday, April 15, 2005


唉,隨時布殊死左我都唔知 ......

而家一味睇小說、聽歌、唱歌、做 dissert、做義工。生活簡簡單單,好過番學上堂。還不錯呢。

不過就黎想番都冇得番 lu。

life's like this.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


i've already earned very very very much ........ >_<



過份痛傷 只好妄想

從這天起 說對不起
不能同行也可 別說分離
和妳一起 逗妳歡喜
從前回憶的影照裡 嬉戲
(迷人黃昏的映照裡 想妳)


柔細的 敏感的 讓我熱愛不釋手


從此抱著妳 寫進日記
再沒有可能 因此放棄妳若開口便有轉機

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


禽日上 kenix 個充滿藝術feel同零亂美(haha) o既「工作室」為佢o既作品唱demo錄音,極度超級無敵好玩到震,好耐冇感受過咁新鮮、咁有趣、咁開心o既事lu。


去到 kenix 度首先唱k開聲(古巨基首勁歌金曲真係開聲好工具囉),然後同佢一齊finalize埋最後歌詞o既version,雖然好似全部都係佢contribute,我冇乜建樹,但係過程超搞笑,咩cosplay女郎同大貨車馬木車,XDDDD......

我都唔記得左幾點先真正開波,d instrumnet真係勁pro,戴住headphone,對住塊網唱,又即時聽到自己唱,勁好feel,正到忍唔住笑!!!!

1. 第一次,冇經驗
2. 嚴重閱讀障礙
3. 廣東話咬字困難 (=懶音)
4. 拍子白痴

好多時顧得咬字又顧唔到拍子,不時都幾灰,不過起碼而家知道自己衰乜,係今次o既得着之一,老土d講得到寶貴o既經驗,又開始感受到何為「丹田」(kenix 一講我就明囉,之前d粉腸都唔係咪真係知o既,講極我都 get 唔到;真係響好多架喎,又唔傷喉嚨),真係學左好多野,而最緊要梗係結識到一個好搞笑o既 friend 啦。

wow ~ 真係好開心o既一日。

Sunday, April 10, 2005




便每天愛着妳 (我愛的永是妳)
就當寵愛自己 (亦免不了自欺)
凝聚韻味舊國土 (仍為妳在這國土)
從前回憶的影照更鼓舞 (迷人黃昏的映照裏苦(淺)笑)




Friday, April 08, 2005

Will My Singing

我第一次參加o既歌唱比賽 - U Sing - 終於完結,咁當然係輸啦,even有個超強勁o既 partner 阿旋。一黎自己唔係好掂 (being a burden),二黎對手太強喇,旋o個兩個friends勁到嘔電,又有d 咩 onions 同 at 21,痴Q線。

anyway,竟然有意外收獲 ...... 嗯嗯。


Friday, April 01, 2005


2005 U-sing 歌唱比賽初賽已經於四月一日完滿結束,入圍的獨唱及合唱組別名單如下:(排名不分先後)獨唱組:組合: 參賽歌曲:Wong Chun Yin 愛很簡單Hui Ying 昨天Ng Ho Leung 自作自受Leung Man Kuen 偶像Wong Pak Ho 不要對他說Leung Ka Ling 北斗星Edwin Choi 霧之戀Levin Wong BlessingMa Chi Chung 單車Lee Chi Hong 傷追人 合唱組:組合: 參賽歌曲:神秘隊(Ng Ho Leung, Lau Tsz Man, Yvonne) 刻不容緩Leung Ka Ling, Wong Pak Ho 只能抱著你 At 21 (Victor Lau, Ho Shing Wai, Germaine Ko, 我願意Kate Lee, Kel Lee)Leung Ching Chung, Wong Pui Suen 他都不愛我Onions Yesterday 入選的參賽者將獲專人通知,決賽將於四月七日於黃麗松講堂舉行,門票已於李志雄紀念堂有售,多謝各位支持。


禽日大佬同我講今日十點半堂,咁我咪十點半番到 campus 囉,點知原來九點半堂,番到黎都己經上完堂,大佬話佢話「可能十點半堂」喎,我頂佢個肺 ~


三點半去到 CYM 101,佢地話我地係第一組,但個評判抄車所以遲到 (不過好彩個人冇事),真係好事多磨。

等到成四點三個評判先黎,係一個男仔頭,好高好型好靚 !!!! 音樂人果然係唔同d ~


先後就係我同大佬,我地首「藍雨」就被比下去了,同人地差幾皮,大佬走左少少音,我又覺得自己唱得好差 (因為我好驚好緊張),唱時又唔敢望個評判 (因為怕羞呱 xddddd )。唱到咁上下都知自己衰梗,氣數已盡。

不停同自己講:「咁廢你學咩人比賽丫~ 收皮啦你 ......」

Thursday, March 31, 2005


今朝走堂去睇「精武家庭」。但又唔係我想像中咁好睇,阿妹講到天花龍鳳咁,其實一般啦我覺得。不過早場 25 蚊,都值既。

睇完戲都成 12 點,我坐 970 番 kong u,因為約左大佬練歌,幾神心。


呢幾日o係咁唱藍雨,把聲帶都開左好多,高音左起碼三個 key。學友就係好勁,點學都係差好遠。

唱歌其實都幾好玩丫,不過我始終唔鐘意唱 k,尤其同 d 女仔唱,次次都聽既多過唱既,又難聽喎,番屋企練下先啦唉。成班得阿船同 amy係識唱 (雖然兩人亦有很大的距離)。

但到底咩叫好聽我又唔係好識分,到底唱腔對唱功又起左d咩影響作用呢 ? let's explore it in the future.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


今日5點要上堂叫 cultural sustainability 既 broadening course,仲要交一份 field trip 既 report,只不過是600字。個 trip 既目的地竟然係港大 main build,你話係咪硬膠到震丫?

禽晚經己寫好了。完全唔知自己寫乜。是蕉旦算了 ~

今日番黎我先知我地係 supposed 去用一 d main build 既圖片去 illustrate 我地寫既野,痴 Q 線,我本身寫既都唔太關 main build,純粹吹水,illustrate條毛咩?又話要訂裝喎,佢都 on 9 既,600字根本連兩個 pages 都唔夠,咁都要訂裝,你話幾咁勞民傷財同埋唔環保丫,咁白痴既 lecturer都有,大學既教育制度有咩辦法唔比人批評丫頂 ~

我同阿彪都廢Q線理佢,是旦 print 出黎交左就算。5點我地到左 lecture room,放底我地份 assignment,再 take 埋 attendence之後,我就同阿彪講:「走喇我地~」

我地一推開度門,就馬上「斷正」,我地出,個 lecturer就入,我眼角 gup 到係佢,但我當完全睇佢唔到,阿彪亦然,大家直行直過。

出到黎我地進行以下的對話 ...... (W: Will;B: Bill)

W:頂 ~ 有會咁岩得咁橋架,斷到正 !!!
B :嘩,佢求先望實我地呀,我完全唔敢望佢囉。我地擺到明走堂。
B :係啦,條友講野又廢到嘔喎!
B :仲話o係大學教書喎,真係勢風日下 ~
W:簡單係不知廉恥 !!!!


Monday, March 28, 2005


講你又唔聽, 聽你又唔明, 明你又唔做, 做你又做錯, 錯你又唔認, 認你又唔改, 改你又唔服, 唔服你又唔講。

做人唔應該係咁架,唉,真係 disappointing 呀。

Sunday, March 27, 2005


剛看完「單身日記 二」








Saturday, March 26, 2005

X X 移動城堡


有一句對白好深刻 ~
哈爾啜泣地說:「唔靚仔 ...... 我仲生存黎有咩意思 ......



Friday, March 25, 2005


睇完「連環不幸事件」,發覺都唔算係太不幸,仲不幸o既人比比皆是 (雖然幸唔幸福係視乎自己點睇)。

之後o係旺角撞到亞珊 (佢依然係咁有型),寒暄左幾句又走左,我繼續行呀行,行呀行 ......

Thursday, March 24, 2005


我始終只係適合 "男生圍" 的生活,不竟 ...... 男女大不同


Wednesday, March 23, 2005



Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Eye "Wild" Shut

i found i don't belong to this "civilized" community.

i rather stay back in my little world, where others will never understand...

Friday, February 25, 2005

The Old Man

ENS金城武 (又名彈弓人,即高老闆) email reply 我份 dissert,話我份野好亂,what a mess,又o係咁話我 plagarism,叫我去 meet 佢,搞到我一度失落,擔心左一排。

兩三日之後佢上堂派 dissert,由於我品學兼「休」,堂我梗係冇上啦,所以搞到界王神幫我出去拎,阿彪話 corlett o係咁望實佢, hahaha !!!! 大獲,比佢知道我冇上佢堂添,but who fucking cares?

睇番佢改左 o既 dissert,其實又唔覺咁大問題姐,都係citation 方法有問題之麻。

今日去 meet 佢,o係我三寸不爛之舌同楚楚可憐 o既游說同解釋後,佢話 "that's ok" 喎,又話自己寫 frence 同 spanish journal 時都係差唔多,唔識點改人地 d 字,hahaha。佢表示我 generally 都 ok,冇咩特別問題,又話明白 babblers 呢份野係 difficult 喎,at least 都會比個 credit 我 (下? credit 咋? 不過算啦,我都係求合格o既姐,有 c 已經謝天謝地)。

我又一次創出奇蹟,用極短時間,極少 o既 effort,唔睇 journal 內容,只靠幾十份 jouranl o既 abstract 同網頁都鬥到一份 6000 字o既 journal 出黎,簡直係鬼斧神工,將我呢兩三年浸淫出黎 o既「大學之道」同「撻皮讀書免炒大法」推展到最登峰造極 o既境界。

Monday, February 21, 2005

I don't See

I was not born to be that busy; I was not told to be that crazy about my work in Solar Campus; I was not prohibited to have a sleep or even nap of a reasonably long time; I was not this, I was not that. But why was I? Do I deserve? I don’t think so. Does it what I wish? I don’t know.

I appear to keep on doing something I had thought to be ridiculous and impractical. “On 9” is commonly used by me as an excellent adjective for the description on most of the persons who in many cases fail to side with my points of view. The notion that girls are “on 9” has been firmly sealed into my skull since the stunning speech about this was delivered by my social work in Form 6, which in turn has been advocated by many of my friends (that's why they're still my friends). He is fucking right. Anyway, if based on my concept of thinking in the past, what I have been doing in Solar Campus are amazingly “on 9”. Well, I forgot what I thought actually. I forgot many thing, such as my dream, my belief, my friends, as well as my personality, all of which I personally had very much appreciated for long. I am now old (but not matured) enough to think about my future, and yet nothing seems to be critical in my eyes. Money is nothing to me. What I in fact am calling for seems to be a happy life. Unfortunately, happiness is nothing less than a kind of luxury for a person like me. Friendship is the sole element I could find which is somehow able to contribute to a relatively happy life. But at this moment, even though friends don’t leave me, I do. I fail to manage the thing in front of me, or in my hands. I can't see why. I don't see either.

At night, the sky should be dark.

Friday, February 18, 2005



在這一刻,我只想睡一睡 ......

- The End -

Monday, February 07, 2005

Fishery Trip

今日fishery 要去香港仔出 trip。漁類批發市場鬼死咁 dirty,又臭又濕 ~ 睇埋d 無謂野 ~ 又去街市,痴線囉簡直,哂晒我地d 時間。

出面超熱,咁鬼晒但cornish o係度教我地點認漁船,佢都 on9 o既 !!! 睇相咪得囉,上網大把啦~ 清楚十萬倍 ! 佢o係度指黎指去都唔知佢講邊條船 !

好彩食左個超正o既 lunch,成班去飲茶 !!! 勁開心 !!! 我仲同索女 nancy 坐添, 嘿嘿嘿 ~~~ cornish 叫我地 2 點鐘準時集合,佢都傻o既 ~ 根本無人理佢囉,個個都食到肚滿腸肥,成兩點半先離開茶樓, hahahah !!! 呢d就係ENS o既不朽精神 ~~~

今晚又要開會囉 solar campus,不過o個勢都出晒黎,做得好喇各位 buddies !!!

望穿秋水o既新年又到 lu,勁開心,新年不嬲都係最過癮最輕鬆o既佳節。又會見到 d 好耐冇先過o既親友,又有利是痘,而我又唔使理份dissert 喎,正 !!!!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Ecology of Babblers

我終於寫完我份論文喇 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 好激動呀我而家 !!!!!
超開心呀 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 哈哈哈哈 !!!!
一共 6200 字 ! 69 個 refernce (真正睇過o既少過15個) ! 晒左成百個鐘頭 ! 勁 !!!!
fuck you, babblers ~~~~

Ecology of Babblers

There are 257 species of babblers, the family Timaliidae, in the world, most of them dwelling in Oriental and Africa and some in Australia. Babblers have been noticed for their morphological and ecological diversity, and hence results in particular difficulties in their problems of systematics. Population of babblers has a complex sociality and many of them exhibit cooperative behavior which was deeply investigated along with some of the basic facts of their ecology. Despite the reasonable amount of studies about babbler so far, they are rather scattered and inconspicuous, which might be due to the difficulty in its taxonomy and diversity. Global threat on babblers is mild, whilst some local severe cases do exist anyway. Many of 14 babblers in Hong Kong are invasive birds and most are resident.

1 Introduction
1.1 What is Babblers
The babblers, family Timaliidae, is an important group of Old World insectivorous passerines (Sibley and Monroe 1990). There are 257 species of babblers in the world, in all incorporating 11 genera, distributed for the most part in Central and eastern Eurasia, Africa, Madagascar, Philippines, East Indies and Australia (Austin 1987). Virtually most of the babblers are restricted in the Old World, but with a single sole exception, the Wrentit (Chamaea fasciata) (see below), which appears in North America. Due to many of the passerine families, the babblers do not have diagnostic morphological characters. The morphological features of the group of babbler are generally the lack of a distinct juvenile plumage, shape and size heavier than the warblers (Sylviidae), in particularly legs and bill, as well as sexes alike in most species (Ciblis et al. 2002).

Moreover, behavioral characters are another cue used by systematists to define them as a group. The high degree of sociality of these non-migratory birds is the most significant feature, manifesting themselves in lots of ways. They usually gather in flocks and parties. Some species are cooperative breeders. Members of a population of most babbler species clump together while perched during the day and when roosting at night, with mutual preening observed in quite many species. The family is named as babbler owing to its babbling chatter and noisiness of some relatively sociable members, in particular the genus Turdoides, with many of them being fine songsters. Regardless of such similarities in nature, the babblers exhibit great morphological and ecological diversity. Being so variable and diverse, the family looks like a great collection of many different unrelated species at the first sight. New forms of babblers are still being described (Gonzales and Kennedy 1990). All these result in a complicated situation in the systematics of babblers and create troubles to systematists concern.

Babblers belong to the Aves class, order Passeriformes, and the Timaliidae family. But sorting out the phylogeny of babblers has all along been a challenge of systematists and there is particular difficulty in the systematics of babbler and some related members of the Old World insectivorous passerines. And yet in recent years there have been quite a lot of discoveries by means of molecular bases (Barhoum and Burns 2002; Barhoum and Burns et al. 2002; Cibois 2003; Cibois et al. 1999; Cibois et al. 2001; Cibois et al. 2002). In the long term progress of systematics of babblers, some species have been found to be wrongly included or excluded in the group. For example, laughingthrushes are now proved to be a sister taxa to all other babblers; two other oscine taxa, Sylvia (Sylviidae) and Zosterops (Zosteropidae), which was traditionally considered as poorly related to the Timaliidae family, has been recently found ought to be included in the babbler assemblage; The Shrike Babblers (Pteruthius) and the Gray-chested Thrush Babblers (Kakamega pliothorax) are the examples of species traditionally included among babblers but actually not related to the Timaliidae (Cibois 2003); the Malagasy “babblers” should not have been considered related to true African and Asian babblers, nor should Asian White-bellied Yuhina (Yuhina zantholeuca) have been, which the analysis by Cibois (2002) suggested not to be monophyletic with genus Stachyris. The Some molecular markers of sequence of mitochondrial genes by DNA hybridization work have been used to clarify the evolution of the complex babbler group (Barhoum and Burns 2002; Cibois et al. 2002; Cibois 2003; Sibley and Ahlquist 1990). Contributions made by Alice Cibois and other previous molecular researches allow us to have a more accurate insight into the limits of this family. The high similarity in size, shape and behavior between “real” babblers and the “false” ones is probably the result of convergent evolution.

1.2 About this essay
The study of babblers is still very inconspicuous, and so far there is no a single “family book” covering babblers. Among all species of this family, Arabian babbler (Turdoides squamiceps), which is a group territorial, communally breeding thrush-like babbler, occurring in Israel, is most intensively studied.

This essay is called “ecology of babblers”. In this essay, besides some general information of physiology, diet, habitat, etc., the most interesting part of social behaviors of babblers will be fairly discussed. Due to the inconspicuousness and scatteredness of the study of babblers, it would be advisable to cite various species as examples in cases. Moreover merely true babblers will be mainly focused on, instead of some non-babbler groups like the family of Australo-Papuan babblers (Pomatostomidae), also called Pseudo-babblers, with totally 5 species including Gray-crowned Babbler (Pomatostomidae Temporalis).

2 Physiology
2.1 Morphology
The members of the babblers are ranging in size from 3.5 to 16 inches (9 to 41 centimeters), while their colors vary from the plain browns and grays of many babblers to the warm red and yellow of the Red-billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea), a native species of southern Asia introduced in the Hawaiian Islands (Walters 1994). Most of them can sing very charmingly, but all species of fulvetta have rather subdued plumage. The babblers, through evolution, need not wings to find food virtually, resulting in their awkwardness in flight. Instead, babblers have the strong legs and bill. Strong legs facilitate their motions of hopping and walking in the forest scrub. The leg musculature of babblers is packed tightly together and muscularly developed, whilst no outstanding deviations from the order Passeriformes are observed (Jayasree and Mathew 1992). One of the prominent features of musculature is the disparity in the degree of fusion and intermingling of the bellies and fibres of the various thigh and shank muscles, probably related to the energetic movements of their legs. The difference in habitats may have attributed to the variation in patterns of the leg muscles among species of babblers.

Babblers’ feathering is often lax and soft. They possess a pair of short, rounded wings with ten primaries, as well as an unusually long tail for a flying bird (Gilliard 1958). Therefore the babblers fail to be great fliers. They usually perform short flights that are low in dense vegetation, or flights of as low as 50m over open ground between shrubs and clumps.

Unlike thrushes (of Turdidae family), many of which are superficially resemble to one another, the juveniles of babblers are normally not spotted. Bills of babblers are more robust than those of Sylvidae (Fauvettes), the closest relatives of babblers. Some have specialized shape of bills. For example, Scimitar-babblers, in the genus Pomatorhinus, work among leaf litter with their long decurved bill.

2.2 Energy Expenditure
Some variables like resting metabolic rate (RMR), existence energy (EE), heat increment of feeding (HIF) and filed metabolic rate (FMR) are data often investigated to determine the energy expenditure and its component in babblers. The energy expenditure of babblers proved to be adjusting within day and between seasons.

Most of the studies about metabolism were associated with Arabian Babblers. For example, it is found that their variation of FMR and EE of non-breeding individuals between winter and summer are due to activity, chiefly foraging and thermoregulatory cost in free-living birds (Anava et al. 2003); and breeding babblers required more than non-breeding ones. The difference in seasonal daily field metabolic rate is suggested to be the result of a variations in daytime metabolic rate, while during the different seasons, night-time metabolic rate is similar (Anava et al. 2002). Energy expenditure of Arabian Babbler is more or less the same as other desert bird species but not as high as that of non-dessert species.

Furthermore, the group size of babblers may exert a significant influence on their field metabolic rate. For instance, the Arabian Babblers’ groups comprise both adults and helpers and are generally made up of 3 to 5 individuals. All members in the group feed nestlings at similar rates and the rates of individual visitation drop with an increasing group size. FMR of primary females declines with group size, resulting in energy savings which allow primary females in larger groups to initiate a new nest sooner (Anava et al. 2001).
2.3 Growth
Babbler nestlings have a relatively high growth rate than other passerine species do, but not fledgling mass (Anava et al. 2001 b). In Whiteheaded Babblers (Turdoides affinis), with some sources calling it Yellow-billed Babblers, the low growth rate is compensated by the long fledging period and care by many parents (Jayashree et al. 1997). The earlier fledging, moreover, allow the species to obtain more food under the protection of their parents. Among some species of babblers, the young are accompanied by their parents for one to two years. Generally, the amount of accumulation of energy intake inside tissue in babbler nestlings decrease with age while energy content per gram of body mass increase with age.

2.4 Others
The enzyme Lgulonolactone oxidase (GLO) is always needs for the synthesis of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in animals. This enzyme exists in all non-passerine birds, but the reacquisition of GLO is surprisingly apparent in babblers (Corliss 1998). In additions, there is no direct relation between the brain size of babblers and the complexity of social play among genera within taxa (Bond et al. 2003).

3 Geographical Distribution
3.1 Habitats
Babblers are non-migratory birds. Almost all babblers occur in woodland or forest, though those in drier areas may occupy sparsely wooded expanses, often with a scattering of copses as well as small thickets (Stuart and Stuart1999). Most of the babblers are sedentary, elusive birds and hard to observe in the forest; they loiter near and on the bottom of the forest or among bushes in scrubby grasslands (Gilliard 1958). Their nests are built in trees, wooded areas, on rock ledges, on the ground, or within a few feet of it (Walters 1994). The structures are usually in dome-shape with some cup-shaped. In breeding season babblers strongly prefer having their nests built close to the ground, where can be well hidden from enemies. Their nests are often made of lichens, skeleton leaves and even spiders’ webs. Some 30 species are open-country birds in the genus Turdoides, while some are marsh birds but most do appear in open scrub of thorn or savanna, where babblers travel in small family parties. They are usually singing and leap-frogging with each other as moving swiftly from one bush to another and so, making the whole party exhibits to be “rolling” across the plain. A lot of Asian babbler pairs in fact mate for whole life and are completely resident, meaning that they spend entire lives within merely a few acres of scrub.

Habitat partitioning mechanisms of certain blabbers have been studied. For example, Black-lored Babblers (Turdoides sharpie) live in open areas with sparingly dispersed small trees and short ground vegetation cover, while Arrow-marked Babblers (Turdoides jardineii) can only be found in shorelines with dense trees and ground vegetation cover (Gole 2002).

Inhabiting hot, dry deserts, Arabian Babblers have its own physiological strategies for the habitat of extreme deserts. The lower critical temperature and conductance of Arabian Babblers are both relatively high, indicating a better adaptation to hot habitats due to the better capability of heat loss (Anava et al. 2001 c). Nevertheless, other changes including plumage, circulatory and activity modification must occur in order to drive away more heat and lessen the production of heat under the situation of increasing air temperature, which are still unclear.

White-browed Babblers (Pomatostomus superciliosus) performs territorial behaviors including calling displays and chases, resulting in the group division. These two territorial behaviors occur solely in the breeding season. The absence of territorial behaviors during the non-breeding season would be linked to limitation of food supplies during the summers (Gale 2002). Structured population of many babblers make up of various levels of organization, including groups, social neighbourhoods, local population neighbourhood and metapopulations. However, these structural units generally do not have discrete boundaries; the structure of their occupied landscape turns out to be the determining factor affecting these indiscrete boundaries (Cale 2003).

For those species living in hot, dry environmental conditions and with unpredictable food supplies such as Arabian Babblers in deserts, two physiological variables, field metabolic rate (FMR) and water influx rate (WIR) are considerably responsive to environmental fluctuations and hence are useful for examining its adaptations to extreme environments (Anaval et al. 2000).

4 Diet and Foraging Behavior
4.1 Diet of Babblers
Fruit, insects (or other small animals without backbones) and some seed are the general diet of babblers. Many of the insect species eaten by babblers are pests consuming common crops or stored grains (Dhindsa et al. 1995). Arabian Babblers, inhabiting extreme deserts of Israel, consume invertebrates and fruits (Anaval et al. 2000); the availability of invertebrates and fruit there is fine throughout the year, and their amounts depend on rainfall which is virtually highly unpredictable as mentioned. To sustain their life, babblers have to spend most of their time on the ground to seek food; they are bounding along, researching through leaf litter, probing into soil and turning over such small objects as cowpats, stones or sticks; on the ground they knock over large objects by inserting their bills beneath them and pushing forward and upward. Most babblers are arboreal but some are terrestrial in their foraging behavior (Stuart and Stuart1999).

4.2 Foraging efficiency
Ecologists frequently make used of food-supplementation experiments to investigate the influence of food availability on timing of other activities such as breeding (Boutin 1990). It is suggested that supplemented food contributes to the alleviation of energetic constraints on reproduction (Perrins 1970), consequently boosting laying by supplying energy for reproduction which is unavailable from local resources. There are generally three sources of energy supply of birds for reproduction: increase energy intake, reduce energy spent on other activities, or use somatic stores (Walsberg 1983). Furthermore, the great amount of supplemental food, the great sentinel effort of babblers (Wright et al. 2001). Since supplemented babblers forage more efficiently than the others, they can shift time from foraging to vigilance with approximately the same food consumption rates. Despite the point that the energy of provided food may not be equivalent of that of natural one, this can reduce their risk of predation (Arthur et al. 2003), suggesting that resource predictability may be an indication for the appropriate timing of breeding.

FMR and WIR of babblers are generally lower than other bird species, but, in particular Arabian Babblers, are more or less the same as those of other desert birds. The higher water content of the dietary intake contributes to the higher WIR in winter than in summer. Moreover, babblers consume a relatively energy-rich diet in summer and water-rich diet in winter (Anava et al. 2000)

4.3 Food Division
One of the crucial aspects of parental care is nestling provisioning in most studied avian species, babblers included. It is apparent that food division is negatively correlated with the order of hatching, and many last-hatched nestlings can be found dead in nests due to starvation (Ostreiher 1997). The phenomenon of feeding preference can hardly be observed between an adult and a particular nestling. The reason is that food division is chiefly determined by the severe competition among nestlings, rather than by the preference of parents. The parents, and not to say helpers, will never interfere with their nestlings to spoil the competition, nor do they prevent siblicide. Ostreiher (1997) found that feeders of Arabian Babblers feed randomly the nestling, particularly which most effectively draws their attention at the right time. As a result, the factor determining food division among the nestlings is probably the consequence of nestling competition. Nestling competition is in turn significantly relying on the feeding-space strategy. Two feeding spaces around nestlings are defined and they defend them by means of pushes against one another if necessary (Ostreiher 1999). Siblings in nests are able to obtain similar amounts of food within exclusive feeding spaces which are equal in size, while within shared feeding spaces, on the contrary, feeding rates increase with feeding-space size and decrease with hatching order. Preventing nest mates from obtaining food from feeders can simply be interpreted as defending a feeding space that moves with the nestlings and is an individual-space defense in babblers.

5 Social Behavior
5.1 General Sociality
Babblers enjoy traveling in troops, squeak, churring and babbling. Social reunions and assembling in flocks when not in breeding characterize most of the babblers. Babblers are so lively that they cluster together on a roost, preening one another and playing the music of babbling songs. In breeding season, the groups of babblers split into pairs and keep watching on their territory. Encountering enemies, they will defend themselves, or pairs may gather together with flock in other groups.

Small babblers like Chestnut-tailed Minla (Minla strigula) can be found in mixed species flocks or isolated pairs inside the forest (Roberson 2001). Numerous babblers are in small family parties perennially and are known as co-operative breeders (see below), while individuals in lots of species may clump or huddle together firmly when roosting and loafing. Populations of babblers have a complex social hierarchy. Primarily, the ranking system is the base regarding both age and sex, under which males tend to take precedence over females, and older birds over younger ones.

5.2 Breeding
The colors of babbler’s two to seven eggs are various; those of the large species are generally unspotted while the smaller ones often lay spotted eggs, one example being Chestnut-backed Jewel Babbler (Ptilorrhoa castanonota) giving eggs with russet blotches (Walters 1994). Incubation done by both sexes or female alone usually starts after the last egg has been laid so as to broods hatch almost synchronously, with for example 6 to 34 hours passing between hatching of the first and last chicks in Arabian Babblers (Ostreiher 1999).

As for the hatching order and nestling location in the nest, it was found that feeders tend to feed closer nestlings more frequently than those further away, and straight ahead instead of sideways. In the open circular nest of babblers like Arabian Babblers, the positions of adult feeders are not predictable and equally distributed around the nest. The nest’s architecture of babblers exerts a great influence in food distribution among the nestlings, and can help reduce inequalities in the sibling’s abilities to obtain food (Ostreiher 2001). In some species like Large Grey Babblers (Turdoides malcolmi), all the adult family members involve in the nest construction (Gupta and Midha 1997)

Reproduction by subordinates is not common but predictable (Lundy et al. 1998). In Arabian babbler, for example, subordinate males who sire young are more likely to be recent dispersers from their groups which they were born or members of newly formed groups that subordinates who do not reproduce.

Normally, group size of babblers is positively correlated with the territory size. Nevertheless, for example in Arrowmarked Babblers (Turdoides jardineii), neither group size nor territory size is related to the number of nestlings raised by a group, and an extra amount of adults in a group may not promote the reproductive output of the breeding pair, at a time when they, however, help in defence and enlargement of their territory saturated habitat (Kemp et al. 1995).

5.3 Cooperative Behavior
While this framework of sociality is as rigid as in other forms of wildlife, in fact, at the same time another system is operating. The social status of individuals is variable and changes over time depending on their own management, even though individuals are of the same sex and age. For instance, some impoverished people refused to apply for public assistance because of shame; similarly, subordinate babblers may refuse to be fed by another even in starvation, since being a recipient of goodness lowers its social status. Instead, subordinate babblers are spending as much time as they could feeding the young so that their status could be raised. Meanwhile, the individual flies away less frequently when a dominant bird is present at the nest. If it does not fly away, the dominant helper will display a non-aggressive motion of social status to ward it off by preening it (Hunt 1999).

Competition for sentinel job opportunity is apparent in cooperative babblers. Certainly the alpha male is the one staying at a top branch as a sentinel. It is interesting to learn that sometimes it will leaves his position and be substituted by a less dominant one, but he will then address to and relieve the substitute of his duties by feeding him when he wants the position back. All in all, babblers are generally unfriendly to those who reciprocate, and they are likely to make benefits from doing giving by itself rather than receiving. It is easy to realize the mechanism of altruism in terms of natural section since such kinds of activities lead to direct benefit. Even though some example of altruism with reciprocity in some vertebrates, it seems no longer to be a controversial conclusion that so-called altruism in babblers is merely a simple selfish action (Zalavi 2000).

5.3.1 Cooperative Breeding, Parents & Helpers
During cooperative breeding, helpers are providing parental care for the young which are not theirs. Cares are provided usually in terms of food, but other forms of care are also common like nest construction, territorial defense, incubation and defense from predators. For example, in Large Grey Babblers, all the adult family members take part in nest construction, incubation and feeding the young (Cupta and Midha 1997).

In cooperative babblers, a group territory is defended by both a dominant pair and their offspring from previous years, some of which might also help raise the current young. The young thus gain living space for up to some years, and yet help with territory defence and chick care. This form of system can be observed in some resident species, probably occupying their habitats to saturation, without space for a separate non-breeding sector. The Arabian Babbler is a well-studied example (Newton 1998). The parents gain in fitness by allowing offspring to stay with them until they are capable of acquiring own territories. With the help received from helpers, therefore, the parents are able to raise more young than they could be independently; it may not be advisable to for the young to instantaneously disperse into a habitat which is already saturated with other territory-owners, so these young are then supposed to live better by staying with their parents until an optimal time to leave (Newton 1998). The system of assistance provided by helpers is best developed in babblers of the genus Turdoides (Stuart and Sturat 1999).

Non-breeding helpers raise young produced by dominant breeding ones. While kin selection (by which individuals make indirect benefits to fitness by aiding collateral relatives) chiefly contributes to the evolution of cooperative breeding, more and more evidence reveals that there might be no close relation between the helpers and the young (Clutton 2002). It is suggested there may have been overestimations in the indirect benefits of cooperative behavior, whilst the direct benefits of helping to the help’s fitness have been underestimated in all probability. The mechanism of evolution keeping breeding cooperative are likely to be diverse; in some species such as Arabian Babblers the direct benefits of helping is sufficient to maintain cooperative societies in the view of evolution.

The trade-off between fitness returns from current versus future reproduction could determine the optimal degree of parental investment (Trivers 1972). Moreover, when care is provided by two parents, optimal degree of investment also depends upon collaborator work rates. Individual compensatory adjustments in nestling-feeding effort of both parents and helpers are according to the work rates of collaborator (Wright and Dingemanse 1999). Individual babblers are expected to make the most of their fitness by making their chick-feeding effort only on broods which contain closely related nestlings. But Wright (1999) concluded from the three measures of relatedness, i.e. DNA fingerprint, group histories and observed information on relatedness in Arabian babblers, that individual birds have surprisingly no access to sufficient information regarding the variation existing in their own genetic relatedness to the brood, while it may make efforton relatives by simply feeding any nestlings that exist in the territory of theirs.

Helpers would compete with one another for feeding nestlings and young fledglings by stealing each other’s food and taking it to the young, so as to raise their social status as discussed. Helping-at-the-nest produces a positive and linear effect on breeding success in babblers, and the provisioning effort needed of other group members can be largely reduced (Wright 1998). Although quite some species are practicing community breeding, most of their breeding habits and rituals are still unclear.

5.3.2 Mobbing
For a prey, the normal reaction when it encounters a predator is to run away straight or hide itself, but when the unlucky prey has no other choices, it tends to retort. In babblers, likes some other species of birds and fishes, the prey group groups together and approach the predator, in which mobbing is a noisy form of behavior where birds approach and chase away predators if possible. However, the costs of approaching a predator are never insignificant, some examples being death, time investment, wastage of energy, advantage for others who do not accompany, etc. It is therefore surprising why babblers mob at all. There must be benefit in mobbing, and otherwise babblers adopting this behavior would have failed to pass on the ability to their offspring. The mobbing allows babblers to remove the advantage of surprise on which many predators depend to make a kill, and to facilitate the acquirement of information about the nature of the threat (an assessing behavior), and it turns out to be less dangerous when the number of group member increases (Arnon et al.1998)

Additionally, mobbing has its social function (Dreher 2002). It was recently proved in Arabian Babblers that a much more absorbing benefit of mobbing is self-advertisement (Maklakov 2002). Research shows that in babblers where both parents look after the offsprings, the males tend to take more risk in mobbing. Virtually approaching the predator more vigorously contributes to the image of its strength and ability to chase away predator, attracting females for further broods, while mobbing in the absence of an audience or additional participants reveals that this is basically a selfish behavior (Ostreher 2003).

One of the major differences between babblers and other passerines in terms of mobbing is that babblers live in relatively stable groups of familiar and mostly related individuals (Hultsch et al. 1999). Individual who is far away may attain information from the signal of calling about the type of threat facing, and as a result they are able to assess the situation before they try to approach or decide not to approach. In addition, each specific call may increase the future vigilance of group members with regard to particular types of predators.

5.4 Communication
Babblers, just like most of other birds, produce sounds to communicate with one another. In order to deal with communication sounds of babblers, the traditional measure is to consider every type of vocalization in the babbler repertoire as a kind of signal. There is moreover a strong linkage between communication and mobbing mentioned.

5.4.1 Alarm calling & predator discrimination
Many babblers have their own specific call types responsing to predators. Mobbing also involves different call types and in turn provide information on various predator-induced situations in the group, for one, in Arabian Babblers short metallic-sounding “tzwick” implies a higher risk or urgency than long trills, and different combinations of both call types probably provide grade (Hultsch et al. 1999). Moreover, babblers may have some distinct classes of alarm call in response to potential predators. For example, Arabian Babblers use three distinct types of alarm call, namely “Pshews”, “tsits” and “trills”. Pshews are referred to flying avain predators as well as escape behavior, while tsits implies terrestrial predators and approach-mobbing heavier, and trills are linked with perched avian predators and monitoring behavior (Regosin 2002). But it is found that sometimes the babbler alarms do not have any stimulus specificity of externally referential signals.

One of the vocal expressions is called the ‘shout’. As mentioned, some babblers are a social bird and live in groups to defend territories against other groups. The vocal repertoire of some babblers involves some twenty various vocal expressions, in which the shout is the most widespread one (Katsir 1995). In many situations like fighting, shouts are being emitted by those in the position of sentinel from the nest, resulting in a chain of ‘syllables’ with pause in between. Never are the chains the same in terms of numbers, curves of frequency, duration and intensity of each syllable over time, not even for the same single individual. As a result, every single performance of shout is interpreted as a variation and there is a connection between the acoustical-musical structure of the variation and babblers’ behavior, suggesting that the existence of such variations in babbler shout may be critically important for communication.

5.5 Sentinel behavior
Sentinel behavior appear in many forms of wildlife, including babblers. It was found that such a kind of so-called “cooperative” behavior turns out to be simply the result of individually selfish anti-predator strategies (Wright 1997; Khazin et al. 2001; Mathew and Zacharias 1998). Despite the selfish anti-predator strategies, there is little solid evidence that individuals compete for the opportunity to engage in sentinel in order to advertise their status and gain social prestige. In many babblers, the sentinel activity of simple family groups is generally the same; there are no differences in rates of alarm calling between group members, while more territorial calls are made by dominant males to neighbouring groups during sentinel. Besides, individual state has proven to be the determining factor of the effort of sentinel within groups, with no evidence for competitive sentinel behavior between males (Wright 2001).

5.6 Interesting Behavior
When calling and displaying, many babblers spread and depress the tail feathers and expose the rump with fanned wings held downwards and quivering. Some babblers also display certain forms of unusual and interesting behaviors.

The Arabian Babblers exhibit the “morning-dance” on the ground beside a bush. The dancers, who may include the whole group of adults and immature birds, stand alternately in a row and gather into a tight ball, whilst individuals tend to force themselves repeatedly into middle of the row or the center of the clump. They sometimes keep playing for half an hour. The frequency of morning-dance moreover is affected by the presence and behavior of observers (Osztreiher 1995). When they discover water, these babblers drink and bathe, and then engage in a “water dance” which is different from morning play; it is apparently not a performance which helps dry their plumage, since bunching together will slow down evaporation, and even those who have not bathed may join in the “water dance” after some bathers have started it (Skutch 1996).

Alloreening characterizes the Whiteheaded Babblers. The merits of this unique behavior among babblers are to help make themselves less aggressive and promote mutual relationship between individuals and therefore group integration (Mathew and Zacharias).

Jungle Babblers (Turdoides striatus) are often called “the Seven Sisters” because they are usually observed in groups of seven, of course not always, but there is certainly a strong tendency toward the number seven (Corliss 1998). Jungle Babblers, furthermore, perform two forms of vigorous play. One is “rough and tumble”, which was a tussle between two or more babblers. Some of them will lay passively on the ground, while others roll on top of them and peck them intentionally and yet softly. Most of the participants are younger than one year old. The second play is “mad flights” in which one or several fly rapidly without definable purposes obviously. They twist and turn wildly among the branches of a tree. Other babblers like the Large Gray Babblers (Turdoides malcolmi) and Arabian Babblers play similar vigorous games (Skutch 1996).

The Whiteheaded Babblers perform allopreening to help reduce aggression and promote group integration. Allopreening, clumping and sentinel system, together with the large repertoire of vocalizations are likely to facilitate consolidation of the group and coordination of movement of babblers (Mathew and Zacharias 1998).

6 Threat
According to BirdLife International (2005), 6 out of 257 species of all babblers have been categorized as “endangered”, without any recorded extinction so far. The 6 species are Rufous-breasted Laughingthrush (Garrulax cachinnans), Collared laughingthrush (Garrulax yersini), Negros Striped-babbler (Stachyris nigrorum), Flame-templed Babbler (Dasycrotapha speciosa), White-throated Mountain-babbler (Kupeornis giberti) and Grey-crowned Crocias (Crocias langbianis). In fact, there have been a few studies on some others babblers considerably concerned locally and globally.

Hinde’s Babblers (Turdoides hindei) is a scarce, globally and species under threat, which is also endemic to central Kenya, and in fertile, moist land largely cleared for agriculture, but retaining some thicket cover. The Hindle’s Babblers in both situations normally stay near streams and rivers. But they are now facing the problems of widespread clearance of thicket resulting from skyrocketing human population and therefore the increasing demand for agricultural land. Worse still, remaining thickets are become more and more isolated. It is suggested this turns out to be a great impact on Hinde’s Babblers because they are not flexible in the habitat choice. For example, the high dependence of Hinde’s Babbler on Lantana thickets means it is strongly susceptible to further habitat loss (Njorge et al. 1998). Hinde’s Babblers are now classified as globally vulnerable. But merely 8% of the known population are found inside legally protected areas at this moment and the global population is suggested to be as low as 1,500 individuals (Shaw et al. 2003).

The problem of habitats fragmentation has been concerned as a threat on babblers. The behavior of White-browed Babbler groups produces a significant influence on the dynamics of local populations, and probably affects the persistence of the local population within fragmented landscapes. Group dynamics is essential to persist its local populations, particularly in landscapes facing habitat loss and fragmentation. In Australia the tendency to give general prescriptive management guidelines derived from comparative babbler assemblage studies is not capable to recognize the spatially explicit nature of population dynamics as well as the role that species’ specific behaviors on those dynamics. It is therefore crucial to determine the unique characteristics of the landscapes and the species being concerned so as to generate prescriptive management guidelines (Cale 2003).

7 Babblers in HK
14 species of true babblers, including both laughingthrushesand and Yuhina, has so far been recorded in Hong Kong: Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler (Pomatorhinus ruficollis), Rufocus-capped Babbler (Stachyris ruficeps), Chinese Babax (Babax lanceolatus), Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush (Garrulax pectoralis), Black-throated Laughingthrush (Garrulax chinensis), White-browed Laughingthrush (Garrulax sannio), Red-billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea), Vinous-throated Parrotbill (Paradoxornis webbianus), Masked Laughingthrush (Garrulax perspicillatus), Hwamei (Garrulax canorus), Siver-eared Mesia (Leothrix argentauris), Blue-winged Minla (Minla cyanouroptera), White-bellied Yuhina (Yuhina zantholeuca), Striated Yuhina (Yuhina castaniceps) (HKBWS 2005), among which the first 8 species are, or have been, listed in the category defined as “Southeast China breeding species, the established or formerly established Hong Kong population of which is considered to be derived from captive stock, but which probably occurred in Hong Kong prior to anthropogenic habitat changes” (Carey et al. 2001).

All of the babblers found in Hong Kong are resident, with a sole exception of Striated Yuhina, being an irruptive winter visitor, although there are a small number of escaped or released birds obverted. All breeds mainly or fully within the Oriental region, but none of them are endemic to Hong Kong. 10 out of the 14 babblers are considered to have been established in Hong Kong by means of human agency as a kind of invasion since 1860 (Corlett and Leven 2004). The reason for their invasion was probably due to being released from cages. Babblers are noted for its noisiness and their owners might have been tired of their noisy pets and therefore gave them up by release. Nowadays, those who have already well-established include Streak-breasted Scimitar-babbler, Rufous-capped Babblers, Greater Necklaced and Black-throated Laughingthrushes, with a rapidly expanding population in both forest and shrubland (Carey et al. 2001). Hwamei, which somewhat characterize the shrubland in Hong Kong, seems to be the most well-known common name of babblers to Guangdong people, in particular senior bird owners.

8 Conclusion
Babblers are a family comprising species with both diverse morphology and ecology. In spite of this, the babbling and sociality, especially cooperative behavior, characterize this family of bird. It is apparent that the core of the sociality of babblers is their cooperative behaviors, involving cooperative breeding, mobbing and sentinel, all of which are highly associated with the communication between members, under the principle of fitness (or selfishness) as a basic. The amount of investigations and studies about babblers seems reasonable but terribly scattered, probably due to their variability between genera. One of the main problems is that the taxonomy and systematics of babblers has long been in chaos, acting as a kind of burden hindering the understanding of this bird. In general, whilst the threat on babblers is not very high, some more appropriate measures ought to be stepped up in order to deal with the problems local. In fact, the first step, or the step kept path with, is to promote a more rapid research on the babblers relatively concerned such as Hinde’s Babblers. In Hong Kong, babblers are mainly invasive birds and their local ecological values are unclear or just not significant.


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