Saturday, August 07, 2004

Offsprings of Mine

This afternoon about 4:30 p.m. I stepped into Greenpeace office again, for the purpose of packing up the stuff which is to be carried up to Suzhau next Monday. I was actually late, as I made the appointment with Hing and Cathy, a non-Ensial one whom was most freshly recruited to be a core member and is addressing to Suzhau with us as well. She's a little girl, with fairly white skill and somewhat a bit resembles Gill on the appearance. The feeling I could experience when I am looking at her is just the same as which Gill gave me before. As being told she likes and often goes hiking, my heart got shocked for a while, and could hardly give any reply. Gill is one of my best friends and must be unique, cus no girls could be more cheerful than she is. Now, and through the near future, I will be working intensively with this core, who might be the second Gill. Anyway, the future is not ours to see.

Let come back to the office. Today was office holiday. Most of the night was tuned out and the office looks dim. Only a few staff, including Gloria and Alice, were over there. Gloria was pleased to inform me the THINGS have already arrived. Guess what. They are my Sons and Daughters - leaflets and tee shirts relatively. I give birth to 2500 pieces of leaflets and 100 tees. They are actually handsome and pretty creatures. I admitted they was born with some minor bugs, and yet I really feel excited and satisfied.

No Defect, No Perfect.

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