Monday, May 23, 2005

Will My Study

Followings have been all the studies/serveys done in my University life:

1. [for male] 如果要切 jer 或切一隻腳,你揀邊樣?
切 jer = 67%
切腳 = 33%

2. [for female] 妳認為男人會覺得 jer 緊要d定係一隻腳緊要d?
jer = 81%
腳 = 19%

3. [both male & female] 你/妳將來會唔會生仔?
會/應該會 = 60%
唔會 = 40%

4. [Private FYP]

How Women Vibrate 《看她怎搖動》

Female homo sapien, better known as “women”, have long been the most dominant species in the world, surpassing the status of males called “men” to some extent. Women, basically, tend to make more effort on academic fields, resulting in the higher proportion of female undergraduates in universities. The main reason, however, of their domination stems from some mysteries existing among them, most of which women themselves have no idea with or they usually refuse to acknowledge when blamed. These mysteries very much characterize such a profound organism, whilst even quite a lot of men, who is facing tens or hundreds of women every single day, may have never thought about. This paper is to explore women by means of interpreting certain interesting behaviors of women regarding a variety of physical vibrations, the reasons beyond as well as the corresponding factors involved.

Material and Methodology
Study was carried out in January and February in the year of 2005 by means of surveys done via questionnaires. All samples were women, regardless of their sexual orientation. Five questions were prepared prior to the survey, as follow:

1. Have you ever walked or run at home with a naked body?
2. Do you shiver when you piss?
3. Have you ever seen your own asshole (i.e. anus)?
4. How long do you shit?
A. 1-5 mins
B. 6-10 mins
C. 11-15 mins
D. >15 mins
5. Do you wear bra when you sleep?

Questions were asked directly by me in ICQ or MSN messenger rather than face-to-face as women are too shy (or often pretend to be shy) to answer the above so-called “sensitive” and “disgusting” questions. The level of sensitivity of the question increase from Q1 to Q5, and therefore questions were asked in the order set above in order to maximize the data to be collected. It is worth noting that once a question was rejected to be answered, the remaining questions would not be asked and the survey for that particular woman would come to an end.

In total 22 females, ranging from 17 to 23 years old, were questioned.
Results of the 5 questions are shown as follows:

Q1. Have you ever walked or run at home with a naked body?
Yes = 14%
No = 86%

Q2. Do you shiver when you piss?
Yes = 19%
No = 81%

Q3. Have you ever seen your asshole?
Yes = 21%
No = 79%

Q4. How long do you shit?
1-5 min = 36%
6-10 min = 43%
11-15 min =14%
>15 min = 7%

Q.4 Do you wear bra when you sleep?
Yes = 42%
No = 58%

“Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.” Men and women fail to fully understand each other simply due to differences in the sense of value. To men, most women are merely concerned about the minor, inferior matters, and have a great inclination to lavish hard-earned cash on something which men think is not worthwhile at all. Scientifically, we call this psychologically severe phenomenon an “On-9” syndrome, resulting in a corrupt and extravagant life of women in the first place, which will in turn exert a potential hazard to the innocent men who are believed to be deserved at last. Before we explore the severity of the adverse impacts adding on men due to women’s “on-9” syndrome, men ought to know more about their counterparts as much as possible. This paper, entitled “How Women Vibrate”, is committed to help ignorant men escape from the hell of bitches.
The first question is “have you even walked or run at home with a naked body?”. Graph 1 shows that less than 15% of the interviewees have done so before. The figure is a bit lower than expected but still reasonable, since I can’t figure out why they have to do so. A Naked body refers to a body without wearing any clothes or covered by any cloth, not even a sock. Their pair of breasts and ass, not being supported by bras or underwear, tends to vibrate up and down. In fact, it is not always true, in particular in some extreme cases. Breasts in sizes of Cup A and B apparently won’t have any observable vibration in any direction even in a huge earthquake. That sucks.
The second question is “do you shiver when you piss?”. I included this question because many men do but even my ex-biology teacher doesn’t know if women do and he dares not to figure it out. Shivering is a rapid form of body vibration. The phenomenon of shivering during pissing can be explained in the field of physic and biology. Pissing means urination, by which urine in urinary bladder could be excreted from the body. The major component of urine is water, a compound having a very high heat capacity which implies that it can absorb much heat with just a small increase in temperature. When a person pisses, a large amount of heat is lost from body over a very short period of time, and therefore, the body, by means of reflection, will shiver to heat up again the body to some extend. Generally speaking, shivery begins from the private parts up to the chest. Graph 2 shows that more than 80% of interviewees don’t shiver when they piss. It is concluded that women generally won’t shiver. Most of men shiver after pissing probably because their subcutaneous fat under skin is much thinner than that of women, and hence men are more easily exposed to cool than women. Nevertheless, some women, constituted around 20% of the interviewees, perform shivering, but the reason why they shiver is obviously not because of their thinness, yet probably due to hidden diseases or the abnormally high speed of urine ejecting.
The third question is “have you ever seen your own asshole”. Asshole means anus, the hole where you feces are expelled from the body. This question is aimed to testifying the ignorance and curiosity of women. Surprising, only around 20% of interviewees alleged that they have seen their asshole, as shown in Graph 3. To my mind, most of those who said “haven’t” in fact have seen their asshole but denied simply because of shame. The claim of some interviewees that it is difficult to look at own asshole just because they don’t know yoga is unfound. Instruments could facilitate the process of observation. The most commonly used one is mirror, which is relatively inexpensive and fairly accessible everywhere; we can also make use of some high-tech tools including DC, DV, webcam, or mobile phone. Kan (2005) also proposed that you can ask someone to sketch a graph for you. When looking at the asshole, people enjoy dilating and constricting the size of the hole, allowing a deep insight into the matter. Result illustrated from raw data (which is not shown in this paper) suggests that aggressive women are more likely to have seen their asshole.
The fourth question is “how long do you shit?”. This question determines how much time women waste on ejection. The category of 6-15 mins accounts for the highest percentage. But no other important conclusions can be drawn.
The fifth question is “do you wear bra when you sleep?”. The result is so surprising that about 60% of the interviewees do not wear bra when they sleep. The one of the reasons of taking off the bra is that the bra makes them feel uncomfortable and stressed when sleeping. Raw data suggest that women with big breasts are less likely to take off their bra when they go sleeping, probably due to the fear of breast deformation and collapse.
During the survey, some of the women hesitated before answering questions. Encouragement was needed to urge them to answer the questions. Some terribly “on-9” women just answered one or even refused to answer any question.
Here, I would like to propose two private brand new theories, namely, Men Should Be Gay Theory (MSBGT) and TB Loving Theory (TBLT).
Women are apparently a subspecies of homo sapien, who are characterized by “on-9” and unreliability. Men like women almost completely due to instinct and sex, instead of spiritual appreciation. Therefore, if men are not born to be a lechery (which means “salty”), all men will turn out to be gays. Plus, Tom Boy (TB) should be the most preferably lovers of men because TB is physiologically a woman but psychologically a man, which very much fulfill the favorable requirements the most.
Men should stand for women no more. Revolution is imperative! Let’s stand up and make some noises!

I hereby thank all the ladies taking part in my survey, including my current classmates, ex-classmates, ex-schoolmates and friends. I, moreover, thank Prof. Bill Kan (Hon. Director, The Department of Pornography, The University of Fukien, Fukien, China) and Mr. Tim Au (who is an asshole) for providing comments and feedbacks.

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